Free Business Plan

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Type of Business

Frequently Asked Questions

Why create a Business Plan?Lenders and investors are constantly presented with new business proposals. If you provide all the required information in a consistent format then lenders and investors can make an efficient and fair analysis about the viability of your business ideas.

By preparing a comprehensive business plan you send a message to your lenders and investors that you have already made an objective assessment of your business ideas and that you are serious about your business plan.

New or Existing Company

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I save my answers and return later?Yes. If you have not already selected a license option, click the Create Free Account button at the top right hand side of the page to save your answers.

Company Info

(e.g. Street, City, Province, Postal code)

Frequently Asked Questions

What if the company has not been named yet?If the company does not yet have a name, then for the purpose of this Business Plan, just make up a name that is reasonable.What is the company's address?Use the physical street address of the business. If the company does not yet have a physical location then use the address of one of your ideal proposed locations. If you use a proposed location, then identify the address as 'tentative' or 'proposed' so that your final document will not appear misleading. Otherwise use the home address of one of the owners.

Company Background

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I save my answers and return later?Yes. If you have not already selected a license option, click the Create Free Account button at the top right hand side of the page to save your answers.Outline the accomplishments of the company to date:
- How long has the Company been in business?
- Is the product line the same or has it evolved?
- Has the Company grown? How has it grown?
- If the Company is a new startup, how did the Company come together?
Use complete sentences.

Company Forecast

Briefly describe the business goals of the Company:
(Describe the company's growth in measureable terms.)
- What do you think the company can reasonably accomplish?
- What are the company's sales forecasts?
- Will you grow the company's market share?
- What do you want to accomplish in the next 12 months?
- What do you want to accomplish in the next 5 years?
Use complete sentences.

Describe the organizational timeline:
- When will planning be complete?
- When will the new plan be implemented?
- By what date will you need to secure funding?
- When will you hire employees?
- When will new production begin?
- When will you be in full production?
- When will the new product/service be available for sale?
- When will this new business open its doors?
Use complete sentences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to use complete sentences?What you write will be used directly in the final document. You should use complete sentences in a paragraph format. Develop your ideas in a logical and convincing way so that your reader will easily understand the strength of your ideas.

Ownership Info

Who owns the company?


Describe the qualifications of the owner:
- What is the relevant work experience of this owner?
- What are the educational & professional qualifications of this owner?
- What are the major business accomplishments of this owner?
Use complete sentences.


Frequently Asked Questions

Different methods of business organizationCompany structure:

  • Sole proprietorship: A type of business where a single individual is fully and personally responsible for all the debts and obligations of the business.
  • Partnership: A type of business where 2 or more people share in the profits and losses of the business.
  • Corporation: A corporation is a legal entity in its own right, having analogous rights and obligations to those of a real person. A corporation is owned by shareholders who enjoy limited liability for any losses or obligations of the corporation.

Management Info

Describe the Company management structure:
- Who is in charge?
- How will decisions be made?
- Is there a board of directors?
- Is the company managed by the owners or by a hired manager?
- Are there silent partners?
- Do a few select partners make all management decisions?
Use complete sentences.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is management different than ownership?In a small company the owner and the manager may be the same person. In a larger company where management of day-to-day operations requires more time and specialized skills, the owners may wish to hire a manager instead.

Company Assets

Describe any substantial assets owned by the Company:
- Does the company own any land or buildings?
- Does the company own any manufacturing equipment?
- Does the company own business furnishings or fixtures?
- Does the company own any inventory?
- Does the company own any cars or trucks or other vehicles?
- What is the approximate resale value of each asset?
Use complete sentences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I save my answers and return later?Yes. If you have not already selected a license option, click the Create Free Account button at the top right hand side of the page to save your answers.

Product/Service Info

Briefly describe the main products of the company:
- What is the company's main product?
- What does the product do?
- Is there a technical aspect that distinguishes the company's product from the competition?
- If you are opening a retail outlet, what is unique about the company's service?
- How does the company's product address demand in this marketplace?
- If the company is a restaurant, what will be on the menu?
- What atmosphere will you try to create in the restaurant?

Be thorough but remember that your audience may not be familiar with all the technical aspects of your products. Make your description easy to understand.
Use complete sentences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I save my answers and return later?Yes. If you have not already selected a license option, click the Create Free Account button at the top right hand side of the page to save your answers.

Proprietary Rights

Future Product/Services


Describe the target market:
- Who is the company's target market?
- Is the target market young adults? Seniors? Homeowners? The general public?
- Is the target market local? Municipal? Regional? National?
- Is the product intended for commercial customers?
Use complete sentences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I save my answers and return later?Yes. If you have not already selected a license option, click the Create Free Account button at the top right hand side of the page to save your answers.


Describe the company's pricing strategy:
- Will you focus on the high-end luxury market?
- Does the company's product quality allow you to charge more?
- Will you be a 'least-cost' provider?
- What are the product costs?
- What will the profit margins be?
- What profit margins are typical in this industry?
Use complete sentences.


Describe your advertising strategy:
- How will you advertise? Radio? Television? Newspaper? Storefront?
- How will your customers find you?
- How is your advertising designed to reach your target market?
- What is your advertising budget?
Use complete sentences.


Identify and describe your competitors:
- Who are your competitors?
- Which competitors are the largest?
- How well is each competitor established in the market?
- What is the market share of each of your competitors?
- What is the annual revenue of each of your competitors?
- If your business is alone in the market then what potential competitors could appear?
Use complete sentences.

SWOT Analysis

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a SWOT analysis?SWOT analysis is a planning method used to identify and quantify the key issues in a prospective business, ultimately to aid in predicting viability and to help bring strategic focus.

By objectively identifying yourself among your competitors, you can position your company to compete successfully in your market.

Operational Info

Staffing Requirements

Capital Requirements

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I save my answers and return later?Yes. If you have not already selected a license option, click the Create Free Account button at the top right hand side of the page to save your answers.

Financial Statement

An Income Statement is also called a Profit and Loss Statement.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my company is brand new?If the company is brand new and there is no history of profits and losses, it is still a useful exercise to estimate your future expenses and gross sales.

Document Date

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