Type of Complaint Letter

Product Purchased

Your Information


Recipient's Information


Product Purchase Details

(e.g. Mastercraft 5 hp compressor model 00001 s/n: 234J43K3A)

Complaint Details

Product doesn't work properly: e.g. The compressor starts to build air pressure but stops when it gets to 50 PSI.

Provided with the wrong product: e.g. I received a Samsung 52 inch LCD television model LN52B550 instead of the Samsung 55" LED television model UN55B7000 that I purchased.

Billed the wrong amount: e.g. I was charged $122.00 but the price was only $22.00.

Misrepresentation as to features or fitness for my purpose: e.g. The salesman said the motorola cable box would work with my new Samsung television, but cable box needed a digital comb filter to provide a clean signal.


Full Reimbursement of the Purchase Price

Providing receipts, estimates, invoices, proof of payment, signed contracts, etc provides evidence for the recipient to quickly respond and deal with your complaint.

Contact Details

In addition to being contacted in writing at your address, how else can you be contacted?



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